Fall 2012

Fall 2012
Cleaning up the rubbish in the backyard

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The World of Snow Clows

For one reason on another Joe calls snow "plows" snow "clows." All of us, including Peter and Tom, know this isn't right and the following conversation ensued last night:

Joe: Why do snow clows have two clows?
Dad: Joe, how many times have we been over this? It's not a snow clow, it's a snow plow.
Tom: Yeah Joe, it's a snow plow!
Joe: No, it's a snow clow.
Dad: No Joe, it's plow......Pah-lau....P...L...O...W....Plow.
Joe: No, it's clow......Cah-lau.....................X........Y.......Clow!

And with that, I conceded

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