Fall 2012

Fall 2012
Cleaning up the rubbish in the backyard

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Sex. How do you want it?

Hey, hey dudes!

So, Katie has been doing better over the past week and half. No more IV fluids and she is weening off her Nausea medicine which is great. She will go back to work the first week of February which is a pretty big deal since she hasn't worked since Halloween.

Katie's Buddha Belly is growing nicely. We bought a book this week called, "Everything you need to know about Twins, Triplets and More," and it is tremendously helpful but also kind of scary. Today's fun fact from the book: At the end of her second trimester, Katie will be the size that most women are at the end of their pregnancy. Now that is assinine and hot at the same time.

Katie is well on her way to achieving that Zen like state of I'm gonna gain 30 to 50 pounds in the next four months. At her appointment last week she gained 5 pounds, and in only 5 days since that appointment she gained 3 pounds.

So that leads to the next natural question. What will the gender of our two little chumps be? Cast your votes as we will find out on February 3rd! Booyeah!

What will the gender of our twins be?
2 All-American ND Football Players
1 All-American ND Football Player & a SMC Chick
2 SMC Chicks


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