Fall 2012

Fall 2012
Cleaning up the rubbish in the backyard

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Damnit All to Hell!

Well, that just about sums up the last two weeks and January 1st for Katie and I. We've been really busy and have not had an opportunity to send out Christmas Cards this year, so here it is in all of its shiny grandness, a festivus for the restivus Christmas Spectacular Email!

2005 was a great year. Katie and I were able to attend some great weddings, skip out to San Francisco to celebrate our one year anniversary, party in Vegas for a weekend, and attend some awesome ND tailgates and games. It's been great!

I've undergone some deliberations personally in the past few months evaluating my job and my career and have accepted a new position with a new company called Somerset Asset Management. One of my managers was moving to this company and recruited me to follow her there. At Somerset I will be providing wealth management services to high net worth individuals. My old job was mainly tax work whereas the new job will be a great balance of tax work, financial planning, and investing. I'm really excited about the opportunity as I'm getting in on this gig at the ground level, so it will hopefully reap fantastic benefits in the longer term. So, when all you fools start to make some cash, give me a call, I will hook you up big time!

Katie's work is also going well. She was promoted to Charge Nurse early in the year and has enjoyed the experience. As of late, however, she hasn't been working as our life is really going to ramp up in 9 months if ya know what I mean. Yup, it's Notre Dame Baby time!

We have actually known since USC weekend when we were down on campus. Specifically, we found out the Friday before the game at a Toll Stop 30 miles west of South Bend. After taking five different tests, the results were undeniably confirmed by Saturday morning. So for all you fools who were there and thought that Katie was drinking, joke's on you! Oh the beauty of blurred vision and inebriated thought processes!

Yeah, so back to Katie not working. She turned real sick a few weeks after we found out. Morning sickness is not just for mornings. So we went to the doctor to get her checked out. Since she was complaining about stomach pains, they performed an ultrasound on her at 7 weeks, which was ultraearly, but also ultracool. So, this picture comes up on the screen, and we both ask, "Are those the eyes?" The tech responds, "Nope. Congratulations, you're having twins!" Faint, dream of the Smurfs, wake up, run into a wall, start convulsing, and scream Oh my Gawd! Oh my Gawd!" Yeah, so that was pretty much both of our reactions. Katie and I are having twins. Katie and I are having twins. It still doesn't settle in my mind. Katie and I are having twins. One. Two. I personally sat in a chair shaking for 15 minutes, then proceeded to pace around exclaiming "oh my gawd!" Crazy schtuff!

So here are facts that we know which will hopefully answer your immediate questions:

1. Due date? Typically, babies develop for 40 weeks which would be the end of June. Doctors usually do not let twins go past 38 weeks, which is the middle of June. Twins typically go early, as early as 34 weeks, which would be the middle of May. So, after some scientific analysis (thank you one semester of engineering), they will be due sometime between the middle of May and June.
2. We will find out the sex on February 3.
3. No, there really is no history of twins in either of our families.

At the request of some people, since we probably won't see most of you until well after the little dudes are born, I'm creating a blog that I hope to update with pictures of ultrasounds, updates, pictures, and other random dumb thoughts that roll through my head.

So, I hope you find some entertainment at:


I have uploaded pictures of the ultrasounds.

Also, I tried to find as many addresses of people we know, but I'm sure we missed a few, so please feel free to forward on the good news ass you see fit.

To all y'all, Katie and I hope that 2005 has been great for you and that 2006 will be even better! We are looking forward to seeing all of you!

Peace out!

The Vnaks

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