Fall 2012

Fall 2012
Cleaning up the rubbish in the backyard

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Door County

So, approximately being home for a day and half from Sioux Falls, we left for Door County to help celebrate Brian's Aunt Marge's 90th Birthday! Marge has 9 children (2 sets of twins) and they had rented a beach house on Lake Michigan for the week. We had a blast! It rained the first evening we were there but the following 2 days were wonderful. The boys had fun playing at the beach, going for hikes, building forts with their cousins and roasting marshmallows:)

Peter is happily digging with his cement mixer.
Tom drawing his name in the sand.
One of Brian's cousin's husband, Tom, flew his plane up to Door County and talked us into a plane ride. Don't think that I wasn't a little afraid of leaving all my children behind with both Brian and I in a plane. Not mention that once Tom completed the takeoff, he let Brian fly the plane around the the peninsula. Once we got up in the air the view was, of course, breathtaking. Here is Brian's second cousin Wil on his FIRST plane ride!!
Wil and I in the backseat of a cessna single prop airplane getting ready for take off!
One of Peter's latest hobbies.....picking at his toes!!
Auntie Marge is helping Tom put his Veggie Tales puzzle together.
The Family out for a afternoon hike:)
Joe climbing over the rocks along the shore of Lake Michigan.
Cousin Mike, Tom & Joe playing peek a boo.
Cousin Mike, the boys and I out on the trails.
Cousin Tim playing with Peter on the beautiful beach.
This is one of my favorite pics. Piggy-toes in the sand and loving it.
Tom insisted on wearing his gloves even though his entire body was covered in sand!
Joe concentrated very hard on his sand creation.

The boys riding a carousal for the first time!
The first time riding the scrambler.
Where's Joe??? Look close and you will see him raising his hand in the air.

We had SO MUCH FUN and hope to get together with the Houlihan's again!

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