Fall 2012

Fall 2012
Cleaning up the rubbish in the backyard

Friday, July 09, 2010

4th Birthday Garbagemania

Who would have guessed our twins would like the garbage man and their TRUCKS SO MUCH??!! (and I believe this is an understatement).
Mom-"Tom, guess what Auntie Dee thinks you are going to be when you grow up?
Tom- "What?"
Mom-"A lawyer or a politician."
Tom-"What!" "No, I am going to be a garbage man!"

Tom, Joe and now Peter all are infatuated with garbage and recycling trucks. Just ask them what the names of them are and they will list them off...Tom and Joe alternating turns..."ACE, Walters, Waste Management, Allied Waste, Waste Technology, Nitti, Violia, and my favorite....ASSSSSSSSPEN."
They can also tell you which order they come in EVERY Tuesday morning.
First it is Allied waste, then ACE, Waste Management followed by Walters rubbish and then Walter's garbage. Oh, and the recycling guy comes in the afternoon.

I pray every Tuesday that the recycling guy comes SOONER than LATER! Why???? It's always right before nap time!!:)

The boys are into helping collect the garbage throughout the house and then taking it out and putting it in the trash can. Every Monday evening is trash night at the Vnak house. The boys place the trash and recycling bins down to the street all by themselves. The neighbors walking by get a good laugh out of it b/c all they see is a moving trash can!

True Passion and contentment from waste recepticles...so simple.

As I was asking the boys what kind of birthday party they wanted, it came to me that we could throw them a garbage truck party. After a little research on the internet, I felt comfortable with the theme and the boys thought it was an AWESOME idea.

I had Brian look into calling our garbage service "Walter's". Their response was oh sure! What day and time?? They showed up on a Friday at 5:30 pm on a Holiday weekend....SUPER AWESOME!! They also brought with hats and shirts for Tom and Joe along with 24 ice cream cones.....best part....for FREE!!

I had made invites with the colors of the Walters service...green and orange...
Collection Date-May 28th, 2010
Collection Time-5:00 pm
Collection Site-The Vnak Dump
Also added to please wrap presents with newspaper or place in trash bag.

We had brown bag dinners for all the kids

I bought alligator grabbers at target to play a game it the backyard. Brian threw out a bunch of trash, recycling, and rubbish out and the kids had to pick it up with the grabber and place it in the appropriate waste bins.

My mom was super creative and made birthday hats out of newspaper and then added curly ribbon to the top of the hats.
She also drew a picture of a the garbage truck and Target bakery was able to replicate it to make and awesome Walter's truck cake.

The kids took home a small garbage truck along with a sticker that said, "I got TRASHED at Tom and Joe's 4 th Birthday Party!"

We kept the garbage truck debut a secret and the boys were a little stunned. At first they said, "it's not Tuesday...it's Friday...."

So now, on with the pics......

Did somebody say birthday? Joe left/Tom right
Here are the kids not knowing what they were waiting for.
Our niece Elena also waiting for something magical to appear.

The gang getting restless...our friend Julie got them started on the a game of red light green light.
Our nephew Brett.....standing motionless wondering what his wonderous eyes are seeing.
Peter- "What the #### is this garbage truck doing in front of my house on a Friday?"
Family pic with the very nice garbage man.
Tom left/Joe right....."so mom and dad, was this the surprise?"

Mom and Joe testing the horn.
Mom and Tom working the controls.
Here's the Walters cake! I also made the arrangement of flowers out of garbage:)
Tom left/Joe right
Here is Evan sporting the birthday hat and devouring his green frosting.

Peter also having a special moment with his frosting.
Joe showing off his green tongue.
Tom showing us how well he eats the frosting and NEVER the cake.
This is one of my recent favorites of Peter......too cute!
Thomas the garbage man!


Jessica said...

This is hilarious. How I wish I could have been there. Excellent work, parents! Amazing!

Amy said...

What a fantastic party!!! So clever of a theme, and sounds like party supplies and decorations could be very affordable when made of trash! I wish I could have gotten TRASHED at Tom & Joe's party too!!! SOOO clever!
I had a similar love for the garbage truck as a kid, and also a love for dump trucks. No clue why. Just fascinating! LOVE IT! Can't believe the tootin's are 4!!! Happy Birthday to Tom & Joe! :)

Sarah said...

This is the cutest story! You should mail a copy to your Walters company.

Anonymous said...

What an awesome idea! Looks like everyone had a great time. I can't believe how grown-up the twins look already!!!