Fall 2012

Fall 2012
Cleaning up the rubbish in the backyard

Saturday, July 14, 2007

3rd Post in 3 Days

Yes, I've done it.

Take that corporate America.

3 days.

3 posts.

Now I'm back on average to one per month.

Eat it!

Ok, so I have to have some content. Katie and I were meandering on nice car ride today like good married young adults with children are supposed to do. Fa-la-la-la-la, drive by a house here and house there, and all of a sudden there is house that is 100% completely on fire. Head to toe. Burnin' like a motha to the ground. Hot diggity!

Now, I've never seen a house fire, much less an entire house on fire, but sweet lord it was site to behold. Someone's life has been tragically impacted: The terror, stress, emotion, sadness. And here's the ironic part: no further than 35 yards from this blazing ball of fire are 100+ people standing by, watching the fire with smiles on their faces. It seems so inappropriate. But I guess that's the role of being a spectator. So, I guess there should be a moral to this story, so, um, the next time you have a fire in your house, make sure to put it out before the whole house lights up.


Anonymous said...

Maybe it's just me, and I have no idea which is which, but I think one of the boys looks more like Katie, while the other looks more like you, Vnak.

Shoot me an email sometime, Brian. I lost your address when I quit my job.

The Number V said...

Hey, man.

Great pics of the boys. They look like future wethepatriots.

i'm bloggin', too. check it out.
