Fall 2012

Fall 2012
Cleaning up the rubbish in the backyard

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I've got some Tootin's on the way!

So sorry for the lack of updates.

In my last post I mentioned posting pictures of the last ultrasound, but my scanner has caught the winter flu, so it's out of commission until I fix it. Maybe I will post them, but then again, we've got another ultrasound next week, so I might just wait for those.

Since Katie has got two tootin's inside her, the doctors pay much closer attention to her via frequent checkups because her pregnancy is deemed "High Risk". It's not guaranteed risky, but the possibility is more likely. With all the checkups she has it sure makes you thankful for health insurance. I can't even imagine.

So yeah, the reason we haven't posted in a while is we have busy figuring out what furniture and stuff to buy, and cleaning the house, and doing a bunch of little projects that we've been putting off. What does this translate to? Katie hit it on the head today. We are nesting. Nesting? Yep, nesting. Unbelievable!

I thought the term nesting seemed so infinitely far from anything I've done in my life. Yes, Katie and I are overly annal in how clean why try to keep our house, but this type of nesting is different. I tried to think of the a time when I might have nested before in my life and the first memory that came to mind was this.

It was December of my senior year and many ND friends gathered at the local Senior Bar to create memories one last time before it closed. Ah yes, the night started out with $1.50 pitchers of beer, and then turned to $1.50 pitchers of rum and cokeee when the beer ran out. Eventually we all headed to Mothball's to hangout and I remember not feeling so well and visitng their bathroom. After my sickness left me, I remember becoming tired very quickly. "What should I use to rest thy head upon?" The only thing close enough was Animal's damp shower towel on floor. So, I wrapped it up and used it as a pillow. Nesting? Eh, probably not, but it was fun to remember.

So any way, what has consumated the past two weeks? Cribs, baby bedding, gliding chairs, deciding whether or not to head to New Orleans in 3 weeks, a Prince concert, and a bunch of other stuff.

What do these all share common? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Here is my proposition to however wants to win the presidency in '08. Establish a new law that requires everything that costs over $20 to only cost $20. For example, let's say you want to buy a vacuum. Cost? $20. Airplane ticket? $20. I know this concept is kind of foreign, but just follow me a little further. Want to buy vacation property in Hawaii? $20. Just think how sweet life would be and how unfrustrating it would be when you go to the ATM. When I go to the ATM I like to get a few Hamiltons to go with my Jacksons. With my ingenious idea, it'd be all about the Jacksons baby! Woooooho!

And yes B Puff, I did refer to our kids as little Tootins. Why? Because becoming a Dad makes your gaydar go crazy!


Julia Garza said...

Quick question:
Do you know if they are going to be identical or not? :D I love your updates! Please keep 'em coming!!

Julia Garza said...

Quick question:
Do you know if they are going to be identical or not? :D I love you updates, keep 'em coming!!