Fall 2012

Fall 2012
Cleaning up the rubbish in the backyard

Monday, November 15, 2010

Dr. Seuss at Halloween!

"Oh the places we will go. Your mother won't mind at all if you do". -The Cat in the Hat

We had a Blast this Halloween! The boys decided they wanted to be Dr. Seuss characters. We decided that Peter would be The Cat in the Hat, Tom- Thing One, Joe - Thing Two, mom as Cindy Lou Who, and dad the Grinch (yep, he didn't even need a costume;) ). We also transformed their wagon into the Thing-a-ma-jigger. Mucho thanks to Brian's one semester of engineering knowledge and my decorating prowess.

Here are some Pics of the fun Halloween weekend. On Friday, Brian's Aunt invited us to a Halloween party at her Country Club. If I could only describe the looks we received as we walked in the door. All the little kids were busy running around on the dance floor then we walk in and the music might as well been off. The kids stopped dancing and gravitated towards us and then went straight for the Grinch. Brian threatened to steal all the kids candy because that would be the Grinchly thing to do. The kids all screamed no and a couple of them punched Brian straight up in his face. Brian eloquently exclaimed, "Punks!" Way to go, big boy. What a way to start a party.

The food was scrumptralescent, the non-scary hayride was entertaining, and the haunted house was amusing, although Joe would have nothing to do with it. "I'm not going in there. You're crazy!" Maybe next year.

On Sunday, we dressed up and loaded the thing-a-ma-jigger in the trunk of the van and headed to my parents house, then Brian's parents house, and home again to trick-or-treat around our neighborhood. All in all a very weekend.

Peter is asking me everyday now-"Well, what are we going to be for next Halloween?"

Peter as "The Cat in the Hat"
Tom as "Thing One" (he will readily tell you that he is #1 by 20 minutes. It's gonna be a long life Joe.)
Joe as "Thing 2"
Brian with his Aunt Dee
The Cat in the Hat sitting on the Grinch's lap.
Horrible attempt at getting them all to look at the camera....Ahhhhh
Daddy with Peter
Cindy "Whou" as Peter likes to say
The Family on a non-haunted hayride.
Adult Halloween Costume Contest WINNERS!!

The Cat in the Hat riding in his thing-a-ma-jigger
Cindy Lou's sexy legs....oh, and don't for get those fabulous shoes! HA!

Oh no, the Cat fell asleep at the wheel!

Our nephew and godchild Braden as a pirate.
Elena as a witch, Tom, Peter, Joe behind Peter, Braden and Brett

Gotta love Peters cheeks in this pic.
Baby Hailey as a witch in training.
My mom loves Halloween as well and this year she made a witch to sit on her porch to scare the poor little kids trick-or-treating. It definitely scared my kiddos.

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