Fall 2012

Fall 2012
Cleaning up the rubbish in the backyard

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

First Field Trip!

Class Field trip to Pinehaven Farm May 2010

I believe this was Joe riding the tractor. It was also Joe that said, "I'm not feeding no stink'n farm animals!" when the lady offered the children to feed the animals.

So about 3 weeks ago, Tom and Joe had their 1st field trip! They went to the Pinehaven farm and I was able to go along as a chaperone:) It was an adventure with a school bus full of 3 and 4 year olds! Tom and Joe were SO EXCITED to ride the school bus. Here is a picture of them sitting with their friend Emme. As soon as the bus started moving, I looked over at the kids and there was Tom holding Emme's hand. It was very cute:)

After seeing the animals, playing with the tractors, sliding down the big slides, eating lunch and the bus ride home, we headed home and took a nice long nap!

1 comment:

Lisa Cronk said...

Looks like great fun!
: ) Lisa