We are alive.
Sorry for the oblivion of nothingness over the last um, five months.
Needless to say, life continues to be intense, except, oh yeah, we've got Big P! Or Master P for those of you still in 5th grade.
Having one child is still a joke. Having two, a piece of cake. Three is A Whole New World. A thrilling place, a wonderous chase, for you and me. Damn, is Walt Disney rolling in his grave or what with all the cheesy references.
Peter is awesome and quite the opposite of Tom and Joe. He has lost most of his red hair, and his new hair is coming in more brown, but it still looks red in the same light. Peter is also our cute little chunk. He is going to be 5 months next week and easily weighs over 17 pounds. As a point of reference, Tom and Joe are almost 2 and weigh about 26 pounds. At six weeks Peter was wearing the clothes Tom and Joe wore at 6 months. One of our doctors told us that Peter is on course to redefine the size of our family. ND football, here is my contribution baby! As a result of his plumpness, he has thee best cheeks for smoochin'. Seriously, can't get enough.
Peter has always been a great eater and is really a great sleeper. For the most part he is sleeping through the night, and shortly after birth was only waking up once a night. He has earned the nickname "Mr. Content". He is easy going and always chilling, loves sucking his thumb and has just started to try to rollover. He only gets stuck on his side, but give it a couple days and he will have it figured out. The only thing that has not gone according to plan is his poops. They haven't been quite right, so we took him to a gastroenterologist who wanted to eliminate the possibility of a milk or soy allergy. So, in order to accomplish, my trophy wife has had to completely eliminate milk and soy from her diet. It is absolutely insane. There ain't much to eat. It's hopefully going to turn out that Peter is not allergic to Milk and Soy, we will know more in a about one week.
As for Tom and Joe, they are so much fun and every day gets better. They have fantastic vocabularies for their age, which is what makes every day so interesting. You can say just about any word and they can easily repeat it, and they also get the context of the word and know when to correctly apply it. A few stories illustrate the laughs we've been able to share.
1. For those of you who watch Saturday Night Live, there is a skit called "Debbie Downer", where Debbie only says things that are negative and depressing. Every time she says something negative, a trombone goes "waaa, waaaahhh". So whenever Katie and I are talking and one of us makes a negative comment, the other usually makes the "Waaa, waaaahhh" sound. So one night at dinner, Katie is talking to her mom real intense about how inconsiderate our painter is being about not showing up. We she finished her exasperation, Joe goes, "Waaa, waaahhhh". We all soiled our pants.
2. One night I was taking a cold pasta salad out of the fridge, my hand slipped, and the pasta ended up all over the floor. Tom witnessed the tragedy and then started singing, "London bridges falling down, falling down, falling down." Smartass.
3. Tom and Joe get along real well, but they know how to get each others goats too. If Joe starts doing something that Tom doesn't like, Tom starts repeating, "No, no, no, no, no!" At the end of the night when we pick up their toys, we usually sing a song that repeats the phrase, "Clean up, clean up, everybody clean up!" When we pick up toys, it's now big deal. At dinner the other night though, Joe started singing the song, and Tom wanted nothing of it, firmly stating, "No, no, no, no, no!" Joe looks at him and proceeds to start screaming, "CLEAN UP, CLEAN UP, EVERYBODY CLEAN UP!" Tom was furious. It's so funny that this bothers him so much.
Fortunately, the weather is warm finally, so we are trying to spend as much time goofing around outside.
As for Mom and Dad, we are keeping sane but staying very busy. Katie went back to work at the end of March, and it is a great break from the insanity that is our home. Life at home is much more difficult that life at work. Both sets of grandparents are helping out to watch the kids while we are gone. Things were pretty intense during busy season for me, as life became work late, come home play with kids, do more work, but that is all in the past.
Our big project right now is we are remodeling our kitchen. And when I say we, and I do mean that we are doing the work. We ended up tearing out two walls in our kitchen, adding recessed lighting, reconfigure a couple of cabinets. We are installing an island and putting in wood floors. HGTV could do a whole show on our project. I'll post before and after pictures once the room is complete. It should hopefully be done in 2 weeks or so. It is the bomb.
Katie and I need a vacation bad and hopefully will have a chance to do so later in the summer as Peter gets to a little more mature age.
Katie and I really feel bad for those of you who follow this, and we do enjoy updating it, and in an effort to increase our frequency, we are going to try to post more often, but with less pictures. I think our problem (at least mine) is that the idea of sitting at the computer and uploading photos is just daunting enough to not post, so we will do more posts, but without pictures and try to do pictures every 4 weeks or so.
We are also considering moving this whole shabang over to Facebook, so we don't have to worry about too many random peeps checking this out. Any thoughts?