Fall 2012

Fall 2012
Cleaning up the rubbish in the backyard

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

And then there were 3!

Welcome to world Peter Brian Vnak!

Born Sunday December 16th at 7:33am, weighing in at 8 lb, 3 oz, and 20.5 inches long.

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes! (Start playing "Eye of the Tiger")

At 1:30 AM in the morn, I was wrestled from my midnight slumbers with an elbow to the stomach.

"Get me a towel!" exclaimed the babe.

Auntie Keith and Uncle Kelly quickly arrived, and off to the hospital we went.

Contractions started around 2:30. Epidural at 5, and Katie started pushing at 7:25am. Bam. Bam. Bam.

Baby. Beautiful baby.

We were anticipating a baby around 7 pounds with small features and black hair. What did we get?

8 pounds of love, big hands, big feet (and you know what else), and reddish brown hair. More red than brown.

Oh Jesus, you've done it again!

Everybody is doing great, except that we think little Pete has his days and nights messed up. He sleeps most of the day, and decided to eat on the hour, every hour, all last night.

Oh how we don't misss the insanity of sleepless nights.

Our first night at the hospital was pretty hilarious in retrospect, but not in any form at the time. Just imagine being awake for the better part of 44 hours with only one hour of sleep and having to sit on the most uncomfortable hemmroid inducing wooden chair ever made trying to console a child who you and the world have only known for 17 hours. Needless to say, a few tears were shed, a malicious rant on how terrible hospital furniture ensued, and I stubbed my big toe (twice at that).

Tom and JOe having taken to their little brother well. "Ohhhhh, da baybee! Da baybee!" "Baybee crying." It'll be interesting to see how it all works out. Thank God they have each other.

Anyway, our Christmas is blessed and I hope yours is too! Happy Holidays!

Holy Belly Batman! (And no, there is not a pillow underneath that moo-moo!)

PBV minutes from the womb and already working it!

Within like five minutes he found his thumb and went to town.

Here's Captain Sweetnas with Lil' Sweetnas da Thurd

Men, men, men, men! Tom and Joe meet Pete.

SuperMom with her little Lumpkin!

Joe giving Pete some love.

Tom giving Pete a kiss.

Pete on day 3. Now 3,000 times cuter!

A bunch of people think Tom and Joe look extremely similar and they are correct. Here are two good pics where I think they look different. Hopefully this helps.

So we tried to have an hour long Christmas photo shoot, and that quickly turned into 10 minutes of complete frustration. Try to get 2 18.5 month olds to sit in a chair and both put a nice smile on their faces. Nice try. Anyway, these are the two best pics we obtained, so if we don't get a X-mas card out this year, this will have to suffice.

18-Century style with no smiling allowed.

Dude, sweet hat, let me check it out.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations again, guys! I get to be the first comment as well - I knew that putting this blog in my RSS feed would pay off (after 3 months of nothing (cough))

The baby looks great and I'm sure the twins will have a great time with them.

ndchick1 said...

holy crap, good job vnak baby making family! y'all are like a well-oiled machine. PBV is the 3rd baby i know that was born sunday the 16th (though he has the distinction of being the only man...1 in 3, pretty good ratio for him in the future!) and the 3rd birthday i know of already on that day (sister-in-law, friend and cousin).

y'all have a merry christmass!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Love the pictures. Glad everything turned out ok. What a great Christmas gift!