Fall 2012

Fall 2012
Cleaning up the rubbish in the backyard

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Who's Next?

Since Katie's been on bedrest, we have had the opportunity to discuss a variety of important issues. We thought it was appropriate to blog about a topic that many of us talk about when we see each other, but that is kind of taboo. So Katie and I are hopefully the first of many Domino's to fall.......

Who's the next ND couple to get bizzay?
Julia & Jason - We all learned at their wedding how Jason follows in his bro's steps and it didn't take his bro long!
Angelo & Beth: Hmm, MBA program may be a great contraceptive, but then he'll be making some big bling. Watchout!
Animal and Mothball - Come on, Animal doesn't get married for a few months AND they DO LIVE TOGETHER! Coincidence? I think not.
Free polls from Pollhost.com

Katie's got a doctor appointment tomorrow and ultrasound appoint on Thursday, so hopefully we will have more good news!


E. Luther said...

My guess is nobody feels (be it consciously or subconsciously) that they can compete with the Vnak Tootins Majesty, so they're keeping the babies at bay for awhile. Just a thought . . . .

Mal said...

It makes me feel warm and fuzzy, a little gooey, and also hungry that people are so overwhelmingly rooting for me and Ball--it hits you right here, in the general grundle area.

Also--*cough*--ixnay on the arriage-mae...

In brighter news, I found a nickel! I put it in my change cup.