Fall 2012

Fall 2012
Cleaning up the rubbish in the backyard

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Two Steps Forward, Another Backa!!!

Tuesday’s doctor appointmentpalooza was very eventful. A duel with the ultrasound machine kicked off the day. Katie and I were very nervous for this appointment as it at the previous week’s appointment that the doctor told us about Baby A’s low amniotic fluid. What were the results? Baby A’s amniotic fluid measurement increased from 1.8cm to 3.5cm!! What a relief!!! Why the change? Well, it can be difficult to get accurate measurements with the ultrasound, especially when there are two little chumps taken up all the space. Both Baby’s are developing nicely – they each weigh a little over 2 pounds which is right on schedule. Both babies, especially Baby A, have decided to take after their father and have ginormous heads. Thata boys!! Now, the big question is will they be able to dislocate their jaw when taking party pictures? Only time will tell.

Appointment numero doce was with the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). There we met with an Indian doctor whose nickname was Ragu. Mmmmm, pasta. He talked with us regarding expectations and complications of a premature birth. It was helpful, but it was more helpful to see all the facilities and we even got to see some of the patients. A number of 2-3 pound babies were there which was tremendously real. To see what our babies look like size wise, but born was crazy. It made us all the more concerned about the need to keep the boys in the oven for as long as possible.

Both the ultrasound doctor and the neonatalogist encouraged Katie to see her doctor as the contractions she has been experiencing for the past two weeks have been increasing in frequency. So, off to the hospital we headed where we experienced a fine example of all that is right in health care. To sum up, we arrived at 4:00pm, were checked into a room and had a contraction monitor placed on da belly, but did not see a doctor until 9:00pm. Hip hip hooray for efficiency! Give me a break. 5 hours of waiting. Where art thou capitalism?

I’ve decided I’m going to start a hospital where the service costs twice as much as you currently pay, but you’ll be in and out in a third of time. Do you think it will be successful? I do.

Anyway, so Katie is now being housed in the hospital where she is being monitored. She may be here for a couple of days or a couple of weeks, the doctors are being very cautious, which is appreciated. I really hope she can come home shortly as I think she is able to more comfortably rest and feed herself, but the doctors will decide.

Since we will be at the hospital a bit more, it’s an excellent opportunity to blog away, so expect more updates in the near future.


Michael said...

i told you already, but congrats again on the successfull day of doctor-visiting. i'm glad everything is going well, even if katie does have to stick it out in the hospital for a few days.

Michael said...

i told you this already, but congrats on the successful doctor-visits. i'm glad katie and the boys are doing well, even if they do have to hang out in the hospital for a bit.

Michael said...

sorry, posted twice